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Halequin Ducks

Harlequin Ducks by Allan J Jones
Harlequin Ducks

I was eating lunch on the bridge across the Elwha River, up above the road washout. While munching, I walked to the other side of the bridge and noticed that just below the bridge were two pair of harlequin ducks. I was glad I had brought my big zoom lens.

I balanced the lens on the middle rail of the bridge and took several shots. That let me get the shutter speed down. It was a cloudy day, so I still had to have the lens wide open.

I was afraid that I might startle them and have them fly off. That didn’t happen. Instead they all took naps!

Camera: Nikon D850
Lens: Nikkor 80-400mm set at 400mm
ISO 800   1/200 sec    f/5.6
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