Wonderful Trees

Wonderful Madrone

Above is one of my favorite trees. It’s a madrone that is at Fort Worden State Park (one of my favorite locations for photography). I really like this tree for its symmetry and fully formed shape. So many madrone have non-symmetrical shapes due to their neighbors blocking light. This one has been able to grown in an open area for years and years.

Below is a magnificent Douglas Fir that is along the Ira Spring Wetlands trail in the Bogachiel Rainforest, just outside the Olympic National Park. You can barely see the opening into the interior of the trunk … too small for an adult, but I’m sure small kids and animals frequent the small area. I was sorry that the opening was such that I couldn’t get a good view of it.

Wonderful Douglas Fir

Tree Silhouettes (Color)

Tree Silhouette (Color) 1

These are images of tree silhouettes that were taken at Fort Worden State Park, Port Townsend, WA. The image below looks a lot like a black and white image, but if you look closely, you’ll see some color in the trunk of the madrone. That’s what happens when you are shooting with the camera exposing for large areas of sky. I was going to convert it to black and white, but decided I liked the effect of the faint color.

In addition, these images were taken with a digital camera, not on film as with my previous post.

Layered Ocean View

Layered Ocean View

I was attracted to the clouds along the horizon, but the different layers of patterns in the sand made a very interesting foreground. Many horizontal layers … This is a view from Kalaloch on the beach section of the Olympic National Park.

Views from the New Jetty

Cormorants basking in the sun

The jetty at the entrance to the Point Wilson marina was recently replaced and offers some interesting views. The marina was closed for months while the jetty was replaced and any boat that was left in the marina was unable to leave for the duration. As a result, there are a number of empty slips now … although I expect they will be filled up by summer.

Jetty Pilings
Point Wilson Marina


Hydrant 1

These are hydrants from Fort Worden State Park in Port Townsend. I’m not sure if there is any water hooked up to them … they certainly don’t look like they are tested or used to keep them from locking up. I like the patina that has developed on them.

Hydrant 2

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