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Momma Grizzly with Cubs

Mom bear and cubs in Chilkoot River, Haines, Alaska
Mom bear and cubs in Chilkoot River, Haines, Alaska

In September 2015, my sister and I went to Alaska to visit our Aunt. While we were there, we spent time during the day touring the area and trying to find birds. We found this mother bear and her two cubs instead of birds.

We were along a road and there were a lot of other folks stopped taking photos too. I made sure that there were a number of obviously slower individuals between the bear and us (JUST KIDDING!!!). A nature tour showed up just then and the guide explained that the bear was a regular and that as long as we stayed on the road, she would ignore us.

The sockeye were running and this was the bear’s regular dinner site. We didn’t see them catch any fish, though.

Camera: Nikon Df
Lens: Nikon 28-300mm set at 300mm
ISO 5000   1/1000 sec   f/13
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