Above the Clouds — for a while

Above the Clouds

Another image from near the Deer Park Campground in Olympic National Park. This shows the clouds in the valleys looking south into the center of the park. Somewhere in there is the Graywolf River valley and the valleys of Cameron Creek and Grand Creek. When you see weather like this in the Olympics, enjoy the sun while you can. Once the sun rises high enough to warm the valley air, the cloud layer rises. Then you have the tops of the cloud layer joining you and covering you. See below.

Cloud moving up from below

Studies in B&W

Fellow Photographer

It’s a nice break in the covid routine to share a beverage with friends.

Especially when they are photographers and you’ve got a new camera to pass around. This was my new Leica Q2 Monochrome. It only shoots black and white … there are no filters in front of the sensor to restrict the color of light hitting each pixel. This increases the resolution (some) and speeds things up (some) in post-production when you don’t have to convert to B&W. But mostly, I like the camera because it is a beautifully crafted artifact.


The Olympics In Winter

The Olympics in Winter

I tried this in black and white, since the colors weren’t a big part of the image. But I ended up liking it better in color. I think it had to do mostly with the separation in the sky. The blue in the sky created more separation than it did when converted to a gray tone. But maybe I was just too lazy to keep working at it.

The Olympics in Winter (B&W)

Snowy Trail

Snowy Trail

Well, it’s not a REALLY Snowy Trail … ’cause you can still see the trail. But for early October, it was a pleasant surprise for find some fresh flakes on everything. And it was about this time that the snow flakes started falling again.

This is the upper section of the Wolf Creek Trail up at Hurricane Ridge in the Olympic National Park.

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