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Orion Over Mt Whitney

Orion over Mt Whitney, Lone Pine Campground, Lone Pine CA
Orion over Mt Whitney, Lone Pine Campground, Lone Pine CA

In mid-March 2017, I was on a road trip to Death Valley NP. We got to Furnace Creek and got our camp set up … but the weather was unusually hot for that time of year. We spent a couple days, but it was too hot at night for me to sleep well. We went up to Lone Pine Campground just outside the town of that name… which is along the eastern approach to Mt Whitney. Much more comfortable weather.

In addition, there was a great view up the valley up to Mt Whitney and the sunsets were nice. Once the sun set, there was a fairly dark sky … except for a glow in the west from the urban areas on the other side of the Sierras. I set up my tripod and camera on the picnic table and started taking some exposures of the night sky. This was one of my favorites.

I used my Zeiss 21mm lens, which I like for its crisp images. Plus, it’s really handy when it’s dark and you can just set the focusing ring at infinity and not have to try and check the image through the viewfinder. And at 15 seconds, you are just barely starting to get any star streaking, if you are using a wide angle lens.

Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: Zeiss Distagon 21mm
ISO 3200 --- 15 seconds --- f2.8
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