Trees and the Beach

Trees and the Beach

I like the vantage point that this location provides. It is looking almost straight down onto some trees that are growing on the top of the ‘dunes’ along this section of beach. An unusual viewpoint can help make a photo more interesting.

Tree Shadows

Tree Shadows

I have taken photos of the trees casting shadows on this building before, but this one shows nice branching that the others lacked. This is one of the building that is still in use on the grounds of Fort Worden State Park in Port Townsend.

Details: The Hastings Building

The Hastings Building

The Hastings Building is one of the older buildings in Port Townsend and occupies one of the corners of the main intersection. I walk around a lot downtown … it’s always interesting and there’s no mall anywhere near Port Townsend (for an indoor walking facility).

Unfortunately, the upper floors of the building are in disrepair and vacant. It needs paint and refurbishment. If I only had a couple extra million …

Detail: The Hastings Building


Wet Fence Line

I was walking around Fort Flagler on Marrowstone Island (just SE of Port Townsend, WA) and it was awfully wet. The area is close to sea level, just off the beach, and at the base of a bluff. I think the water that pools up just sits on top of the brackish groundwater. I liked the reflections it provided.

Tree Reflections with Stubble

Bridge Creek

Bridge Creek

Bridge Creek is in the Lake Quinault area … and this was taken in the Bridge Creek Campground. I used a tripod and shot at 1/13th of a second, at f/16 and ISO 100 using my Nikon D850. I had gone to take a photo of a small falls that I had shot previously, but there were logs that had washed down and were blocking the view of the falls to where it wasn’t very photogenic.

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