Soft Focus / High Contrast / Low Key

Soft Focus / High Contrast / Low Key (1)

The top photo shows the Point Wilson Lighthouse and Admiralty Inlet into Puget Sound. The clouds are hiding Mt Baker in the Cascades. The lower photo shows the ramp that was used for moving a searchlight out to the edge of the bluff to watch for enemy ships (pre-WWI). Both were taken from Fort Worden State Park in Port Townsend.

While these are taken with my Nikon FM3a on Tri-X film (and processed in a professional lab), I get scans back from the lab that I work on in Lightroom on my computer. I liked the treatment here of having large areas of solid black … and the interesting silhouettes.

Soft Focus / High Contrast / Low Key (2)

Farmland in Winter

Farmland in Winter

I like the multiple layers in this image: the fields, the trees, the slight hint of a pond, the Olympics in the distance and a few clouds in the sky.

Flowers with a Coincidence

Larry Scott Trail flowers

Those of you who have followed this blog (and maybe even read my ramblings) know that I have shared several images of the bouquets that are posted (!) along the Larry Scott Trail outside of Port Townsend. It so, here’s another one. The coincidence referred to in the title, is that last month at the Port Townsend Photo Club meeting a new face offered to let people come and take photos on their property … they have a nice bit of well-tended forest and some horses. When I found out where they lived, I asked if they were who shared the bouquets, and they were the back-up flower tender. A nice person doing nice things. Our world needs more of that!

Working is Hard Work … So is Blogging

Working is Hard Work

Just a little random humor here.

Well, sorta. I just recently noticed that I have just passed the 1,000 mark of posts. The number is a little soft, since I built a website with blog posts instead of pages (a rookie mistake). But I started blogging on a regular basis in April 2018. When I began, I was trying to post every day … but it soon became too much of a chore and not just the pleasure of sharing my photos that I was intending. So I switched over to posting every other day and have been happy with that decision (most of the time). It still becomes a chore once in a while.

Thanks to all who have encouraged me over the years. Your enjoyment of the posts is what I shoot for.

Spring Bouquet

Spring Bouquet

Whoever the nice person is that keeps placing bouquets on this post along the Larry Scott Trail in Port Townsend, WA, I really appreciate the effort. I thought this one was particularly nice, but they get replaced frequently. I wonder if the deer came up and ate the tulips. They sure munch on any that are growing outside my fenced area.

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